Erin's Isle GAA - Child Protection

Erin's Isle GAA Club, Farnham Drive, Finglas, Dublin D11 RRK6, Phone: +353 18642490

Contacts for Child Welfare Issues

Important Contact Details and Process for Reporting Allegations of Abuse or Concerns

If you (coach, parent or child) have a reasonable suspicion of abuse or a reasonable concern that the welfare of a child is at risk this must be reported to the appropriate authorities for investigation. It is not the role of the club to conduct such investigations. However, the club can help establish whether or not a suspicion or concern is reasonable and will then help liaise with the appropriate authorities, if deemed to be so. In this case the club will document all communications and hand over to the relevant authorities. If, however, the suspicion or concern is deemed not reasonable by the club, this will not be recorded officially nor handed over to the relevant authorities by the club for investigation. This does not affect an individual's right to contact relevant authorities directly without the support of the club.

It should be noted that in almost all cases the club has been able to deal with reported issues in strict confidence through facilitating communication with relevant parties on a need to know basis. This approach is not deemed a formal investigation and may not be formally documented and reported, so as to encourage everyone to come forward and seek the clubs intervention and support for less serious matters that could escalate if ignored.

Paul Drumm | 085-7034877

Children's Officer

Contact Paul if you have concerns, issues with behaviour or suspicions of abuse. Paul will treat all conversations confidentially and will only formally record or report issues should they be agreed to be reasonable suspicions of abuse or concerns.

Paul Drumm | 085-7034877

Designated Liaison Person

Paul's role is to liaise with the relevant authorities if an investigation of abuse needs to be conducted. You can contact Paul if you have a reasonable suspicion of abuse or concern and he will help liaise with the relevant authorities.

The above procedure is in line with the current guidelines for reporting allegations of abuse. However, please remember that if you become aware of abuse you have an obligation to report it. If you cannot get in contact with Niall or Paul in such cases, please contact authorities directly:

  • Tusla: Tel 01-8467129 |

  • Finglas Garda Station: 01-6667500